Year 1 - Rowan & Hawthorn

Welcome to Year 1's page!

If you have any enquiries, please contact us via

Please follow us on Twitter for regular updates of what we are up to:

Class Twitter: @Year1R

Forest School Twitter: @fsheygarthy1

Year 1 Staff

Mrs N Furlong - Rowan Class Teacher and Maths lead (currently on maternity leave)

Miss R Ralfe - Rowan Class Teacher

Mrs J Stuart - Hawthorn Class Teacher and Design Technology lead

Miss C Jackson - Hawthorn Class Teacher

Mrs J Collins - Personal Assistant

Miss S Begum - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Boyd - HLTA & PPA cover

Summer 2024

General Information

As we were awarded ‘Healthy Eating Status’ we encourage children to drink water wherever possible. Children's water bottles are to go home with the children each day to be cleaned and refilled with water, no flavoured water or juice please.  Children need their school water bottles labelled clearly with their name and class.

If your child suffers from asthma could a spare inhaler (labelled with their name) please be sent into school so it is available if needed, it is necessary for them to use a spacer, please supply this as well. Please inform the office of any other medicines that your child may have to take throughout the year.

What goes on during the week?

Read, Write Inc… (also known as phonics) is taught first thing every morning (Monday-Friday) so it is very important that children are on time so they do not miss out on their learning or disturb other children's learning. If the door is shut please take your child to the office. As the children work in different classrooms for Read, Write Inc, please send their bookbag in daily so that their phonics teacher can access their reading log book when they need it.

During the course of the day, the children will be involved in Teacher Directed sessions as well as given plenty of opportunity to explore through their play. Our classroom is carefully designed to be an enabling environment which allows the children the space and time to develop a wide range of skills whilst engaging in their play.

Other things that go on during the week:


*Whole School Assembly. Year One will take part in these assemblies as appropriate.


* This half term the children will participate in Dance lessons on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure children come into school dressed in their PE kit, those with long hair have it tied back with a bobble and that all earrings are removed or covered before they come to school.


*Children’s books will be changed on a Thursday evening- please ensure your child’s reading books and reading records are in school each day.


* This half term the children will participate in PE Games lessons on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure children come into school dressed in their PE kit, those with long hair have it tied back with a bobble and that all earrings are removed or covered before they come to school. In the afternoon, we will give out our 'Star of the Week' certificates. Any other awards, certificates or trophies from out of school clubs will be celebrated at this time and children are encouraged to bring these in.


* Each week, homework is set via Google Classroom. We encourage children to complete as much of the task at home by themselves with the encouragement of an adult. The homework set will alternate between literacy, mathematics and topic work. Photographs of work completed at home can be submitted via Google Classroom.

* Practising reading and spelling high frequency words will help massively with your child’s progress in reading and writing - please ask your class teacher should you like some support with ideas on how to do this in a practical manner.